FAQ on Cartoon Workshop CD

Q. My old computer has died and I want to install Banjo Blue's Cartoon Workshop on my new computer. Can I do this?

Yes. If the program won't install on your new computer, please contact us and we'll give you another activation.

Q. I'm trying to install the program on my school laptop, but I keep getting an error message. What should I do?

We can give you a version which will run on your school laptop.
Please contact us.

Q. Do you supply cartoon workshop licenses for a whole school?

Yes. We usually charge $25.00 per classroom.

Q. Will Banjo Blue's Cartoon Workshop run on my classroom smart board?

Yes. It looks awesome on the big screen, and it's a fantastic inventive to get other work done before drawing a couple of cartoons.

Q. Are the iPad apps the same as the Workshop CD for desktops?

The cartoons are the same, but the numbers are different. The iPad apps (Richard Galbraith's Cartoon Workshop 1 and 2) have six themes each, with 12 cartoons per theme (72 cartoons each). The desktop program has more themes and 260 cartoons.

Q. Help! My students are drawing cartoons in the Maths class. What should I do?

Try creating some cartoons out of numbers, and draw the mathematical equation as a cartoon, complete with speech bubbles.

PS. I once saw a student doing a maths equation that had been left on the board during a cartoon workshop session. True!